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Ken Newhouse
Ken Newhouse

Growth Hacking Your Dental Practice... The Evolution of Dental Marketing

Growth Hacking Your Dental Practice... The Evolution of Dental Marketing

3/5/2014 10:56:41 AM   |   Comments: 0   |   Views: 12538

One of the most searched terms on Google in 2013 was “what is growth hacking” and in 2014 that trend is continuing to gain strength.  The best way to understand what growth hacking is… what growth hackers do and why you want to know is to first understand what is meant by the term hacker.

Thanks to Hollywood and cable news a lot of people think that the word “hacker” refers to a guy working in a dark, smoke-filled room in China as he attempts to break-in to our government’s computer system.  A Growth “Hacker” is someone who focuses more on achieving an objective (i.e., “results”) than he is in following the traditional method of doing things.

In other words, Growth Hackers care more about what needs to get done than how it should get done. As a result, Growth Hackers have engineered extremely effective and innovative ways to get things done… specifically growing the number of users for a specific product and/or service.

While most Dentists consider increasing/growing their levels of quality new patient and referral traffic to be a marketing function, this assumes that there’s only one way to get new patients (namely, marketing). But this isn’t true. In fact, more and more over the last few years we’ve seen (new products grow from zero to millions of users and) Dentists double their quality new patient traffic with little to no marketing at all.

There are lots of non-marketing decisions that affect your ability to affect the growth of your new patient traffic. Building viral features into every aspect of your practice is the most obvious, but there are many others (I’ll cover these in a future post). As a result, it doesn’t make sense to place growth hacking within a particular department like marketing or customer service. Instead, it ends up being a cross-functional role.

The idea is that for every non-clinical decision a Dentist makes, a growth hacker should ask: ”What will be the impact on growth?”

If You Want To Generate MORE Quality New Patients
Each Month, ''BUT" Aren't Sure That Growth Hacking Can

Has Everything You Need To Achieve Sustainable Growth...

Let me make one thing clear right from the start. Growth Hacking your Dental practice is not about how to use the Internet more effectively or how to gain total control over your Dental marketing -- it's about how to generate a substantial number of quality new patients and referrals each month and how to transform your practice so that it markets itself.

You can generate more and higher quality new patients for your practice, hold every marketing dollar accountable and create sustainable growth- faster and cheaper than ever before by Growth Hacking your Dental practice like Columbus Ohio Dentist Terry L. Hughes DDS. Growth Hacking is not something you "do" to your dental practice, but it's something you build into every aspect of your practice.

Respond boldly, creatively, intelligently and responsibly and take advantage of the grand opportunities emerging with NEW Growth Hacking Strategies. Developed in response to the fact that our economy will never return to the way it was, I have taken the Growth Hacking Strategies used by the likes of Facebook, Drop box, Twitter, LinkedIn (and many other rapidly growing startups) and retooled them for use in your practice.

How would you rate your current efforts to promote and grow your practice both offline and online?  What have you found that's working well for you?

If you want to take the next step and discover new, more creative and agile thinking and more tough-minded and disciplined methods that are in sync with the realities of the New Economy and the demands of its consumers and patients by visiting my blog at Growth Hacker Central

You’ll find high-quality content that you can act upon and monetize quickly.  You’ll also find an assortment of free guides as well as our Free Website SEO Analysis tool on our home page that allows you to see how well your website is performing; what needs to be fixed to make it rank at the top of Google and a detailed report outlining your Social Media presence online – complete with recommendations to improve your footprint.

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