Delivering WOW...Dentistry's #1 Podcast For Growing Your Practice Faster!
Delivering WOW...Dentistry's #1 Podcast For Growing Your Practice Faster!
Get ready to stand out from the competition to get noticed and earn more. If you're tired of having to choose between family and financial stability, and you're just plain tired of trying to figure this out all on your own, this podcast is for you.
Dr Anissa Holmes

How to Generate Hundreds of New Leads with Tim Paige

How to Generate Hundreds of New Leads with Tim Paige

8/11/2016 7:54:38 AM   |   Comments: 0   |   Views: 221

How do you get people to sign up to your email list? I recently had a chat with Tim Paige, Conversion Educator  at LeadPages to find out. 

What exactly is an email list?

It's your contact list of emails, sometimes names, sometimes phone numbers, but it’s basically your lead list. It’s all the folks who have given you their email address and have given you permission, hopefully, to market to them.

Perhaps they're interested in some particular topic that you talked about. It could be because they’re interested in your product or service. Whatever the reason, it means that they've decided that it's okay for you to market to them and it’s your job to deliver value. 

Once people decide to join your email list, the next step is to stay in contact with them about how you can solve their problems, what makes your practice unique, and why they should choose you.  

You can also present them with great calls to action to come in as a new patient.

041 How To Build An Email List with Tim Paige

In this episode of the Delivering WOW Dental Podcast, Tim discusses the importance of bringing in new leads, and the role that list building plays in creating Raving Fans who are ready to come in and start treatment.

He also discusses specific ways that dentists can create Free content that people can't wait to get their hands on...which then creates a warm audience of people that you can stay in touch with as well as the power of sending specific follow up sequences to people based on the actions that they took on your website or landing page.

I also share exactly how I integrate Leadpages with my Facebook Ad Campaigns....



Dr. Anissa Holmes, a Dentist and Global leader in Social Media Marketing, teaches dentists and their TEAMS how to build strong cultures, systems, and brands as well as how to use Facebook effectively to maximize their new patient numbers through her online Facebook courses, FB 101 and FBMastery for Dentists.

Dr. Holmes is the the author of Delivering WOW: How Dentists Can Build a Fascinating Brand and Achieve More While Working Less and is the host of The Delivering WOW Dental Podcast.



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