Today's Active Blog Posts

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An Internet-Connected Toothbrush - Deja Vu?
It’s a new year, so what better time to brush up on the latest tooth brushing tech tool for oral awesomeness? French startup Kolibree is the latest company to take a turn at reinventing the wheel of daily tooth brushing monotony with an Internet-connected toothbrush. The Kolibree toothbrush...  Read More
Long Term Cost of Retirement Plan Asset-based Fees
Many bundled 401(k) plans offered to small practices can have very high fees, which include mutual fund fees and other asset-based fees. Fees average about 1.5% but at the high end of the spectrum fees can be as high as 4%. These AUM (assets under management) fees always grow as your account grows....  Read More
Consultant Tip: Top 12 Best Practices for 2014 [January issue of Dentaltown Magazine]
As one year ends and another begins, it is a perfect time to reset your practice management style to ensure you get the absolute best out of the New Year ahead. No practice is static, no matter how high your production or how long the practice has been around. You have...  Read More
Hospital Hell:  Dental care in the hospital
This post was inspired by a hellish experience and originally published to our office website. My own mother was in the hospital for two weeks. Although the life saving medical care was outstanding, the day to day focus on her mouth was non existent. It's a good thing she had a dental...  Read More
Hi, I'm Charlotte!
"Dental Hygiene Hell" was the phrase coined by my classmates back in 1998. I'm sure we weren't the only wanna-be RDH's that thought our program was one gigantic stress inducing, social life strangling, time devouring tornado. We were neck deep in pharmacology, chemistry, root morphology,...  Read More
The best 401k plan: pooled or participant-directed?
When we talk about retirement plans, specifically the 401k plans, we always have in mind participant-directed plans in which all plan participants get their own personal account and are responsible for managing their own investments. It turns out that participant-directed plans aren’t the...  Read More
Do Not Pre-Schedule Every Patient for Recare
So many practices are on automatic and take little time to evaluate a patient before scheduling appointments. This adds to the broken appointment problem. I'd like to see practices look a bit closer before pre-scheduling recare appointments 3, 6 or 12 months in advance. If a patient has a history...  Read More
Start 2014 Out Right!
Happy 2014 and I hope it’s off to a great start! To get things rolling in the right direction I thought I would put together the top three blog posts of 2013. These were the posts that received the most views, comments and attention during the year, so if you didn’t get a chance to take...  Read More
What to Say to Patients Who Ask You to Cheat by Altering the Record (s) and/or Dates (s)
Sometimes a patient will ask to bill them at an earlier or later date than the dental treatment was actually done. They do this to try to take advantage of an insurance company by having them to pay for a service that was not covered at the time of treatment. This also occurs when a patient has a...  Read More
Financial Coordinators are Salespeople for Dental Treatment
The late Dr. Harold Wirth once said, "The people of America have the money to buy what they want; it is dentistry's responsibility to have them buy what they need." The Financial Coordinator and every other staff member in the practice should adopt the attitude above. First for the well-being of...  Read More
What happened with that patient?
So you’ve done all you can to educate the patient, you’ve used models, x-rays, analogies, drawings, etc. The patient is now fully educated and understands what will happen if he or she ignores the problem. You’ve even received a statement from the patient that he or she is ready...  Read More
Hiring a Fiduciary Adviser for Your Retirement Plan
Fiduciary liability and hiring a fiduciary to run your plan The best way to help yourself and your employees achieve better investment results is to offer individualized investment advice. When hiring an adviser for your plan, there are several things to keep in mind: 1) A 3(38) investment...  Read More
Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!
Fellow Townies, First and foremost, we hope that 2013 treated your families and practices incredibly well. From our vantage point it was a peculiar year. We had the opportunity to review more practice transitions than ever but the outcome was skewed by a generally down year for most sellers -...  Read More
The 2013 True Tooth Review
Wow. A culmination of another full year of amazing dental news that is rapidly disappearing in the 2013 rear view mirror. As we humbly reflect on this past year of dental trends and delightfully corny dental stories, Felicia and I raise our bottle of ADA approved mouthwash and salute all of you who...  Read More
Managing Investment Risk Part 2: Correlation and Diversification
Hedge funds, managed futures, commodities, private placements, oil and gas exploration, non-listed REITs…what do all of these have in common? The sellers usually claim that their product will provide the necessary diversification for your portfolio. They claim they have numbers to prove it,...  Read More
Managing Investment Risk Part 1: Market Risk
This chart can put everything in context: Figure 1. Missing ten best days. All this says is that markets are extremely risky, with majority of gains and losses coming in a very short period of time. So anyone planning to retire and make withdrawals better manage risk, or else: Figure 2....  Read More
Choosing The Best Practice Location; A Lesson In Demographics
Quite possibly the largest investment of your life will be made on a new office and you want to do it right. There is a lot on the line! First, before considering the best dental demographics for your practice, see if any of these questions have rattled around in your mind: 1.) Do you want the...  Read More
Watching Your Back Door for Marketing Success
Our dental practices have two very important doors. One of them is meant to remain open (our front door) while the other should always be closed (our back door). Our back doors were never intended to be open and yet many dental practices ignore this one very important "thruway" when marketing their...  Read More
The Newest Proven Dental Practice Demographics Tools; The 12 That Matter Most To New Dental Practices
2 of the following 12 Demographic Reporting Tools, if combined, can make or break new dental practices. Can you guess which ones? The importance of these 12 Demographic Criteria boil ALL the census data down to the key elements that are relevant to dentists and their new dental practices. 1) ...  Read More
Debt Repayment Basics
Whether you have student loans, practice loans or a mortgage, one of the most common questions asked is whether it makes sense to pay out your loans early. Opinions always vary. Some say you should repay your loans quickly. Others say invest your money in stocks instead. Does your loan interest...  Read More
That Most Dirty Word
Disclaimer: The word I am about to define is not for the faint of heart. Macho men have been known to turn into quivering bowls of Jello when even uttering this word. Definitions: 1) Income received for goods and services over some given period of time. 2) An act of completion of a commercial...  Read More
Tips for Choosing The Right Dental Office Building for You
“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us” – Winston Churchill Maybe Churchill could have been speaking to the dental community of the 21st century.... Your patients will gauge you. Your dental office building will speak – what does it say? It says: Plan well with...  Read More
Ex-Dentists Who Found Fame and Fortune
Wonder how many dentists and hygienists owe their careers today to the North Pole’s most famous dentist and the founder of North Pole Dental World, LLC? Recently while watching “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” with two of our grandchildren, we all laughed at , the elf who wanted...  Read More
Morning Huddles
A morning huddle is very different than a dental staff meeting. I'd leave the motivational stuff to staff meetings as there's plenty to go over in a correctly run morning huddle and usually not much time to do so. The morning huddle is mainly a coordination meeting that should cover at least the...  Read More
Dental Hiring Tips
Tip #1 Most employees at my favorite local restaurant have been there for years. The service is always heads and shoulders above other establishments in the area. Recently I complimented the manager and asked what her secret was. I got a very quick reply: "Drug testing” she said with a wink. ...  Read More
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