Today's Active Blog Posts

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Maximize Your Chances of Selling and Your Sales Price
Maximize Your Chances of Selling Your Dental Practice and Your Sales Price – Part 1 5 Ways to Improve the Selling Price of a Dental Practice When someone wants to sell their home, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Typically they will start by improving curb appeal, cleaning...  Read More
Dental Office Renovation – After the Burn
A 4 doctor practice with thousands of patients. And now it’s up in flames. No one is hurt but it could take a year to rebuild the burned-down building you’ll see in the video. Over the coming months, we’ll show you video updates on this dental office renovation. But for now,...  Read More
How to Rapidly Create and Implement A Highly Effective and Profitable Dental Web Marketing Program - INFOGRAPHIC -
The Infographic I Used Is One That You'll Want to Download, Save and Use As A Resource! If you've finally come to the realization that you need to learn how to rapidly implement a profitable dental web marketing program that includes the newest and most effective dental web marketing strategies be...  Read More
How to Rapidly Create and Implement The Most Profitable and Effective Dental Web Marketing Program - with Infographic
If you've finally come to the realization that you need to learn how to rapidly implement a profitable dental web marketing program that includes the newest and most effective dental web marketing strategies be prepared to evaluate a multiplicity of options. You've got . The #1 question I get from...  Read More
Unacceptable Conduct
Groups of people who work together for any purpose require guidelines. The same is true for the management of your dental practice. The purpose for these guidelines is to improve staff relationships and to enhance production. They should be enforced in a constructive manner. It is important to...  Read More
Consultant Tip: Office Computer Security
Office Computer Security In order to secure the practice computer system and its resources, each person is assigned a unique and confidential user name and passcode for accessing the office software. A username defines a particular person who uses the software program. This information is...  Read More
Giving Your Dental Practice New Life With Gamification Mechanics
REGISTER AND ATTEND THE WEBINAR: "Dental Gamification Design and Implementation Strategies" - Friday August 15, 2014 By learning from early adopters in other industries, Dentists (and Dental companies) can apply the immensely effective strategy for Growth Hacking Your Dental Practice: Game...  Read More
Continuous Improvement: Excess Inventory
Continuous Improvement: Excess Inventory “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well". From: "More Maxims of Mark” “I have not failed....  Read More
The Best Kept Dental Surgery Secret Ever
Oral cancer is scary and it is dangerous, as evidenced by the statistic that only half of people diagnosed with it live longer than five years. In the late 19th century newspapers called cancer the “dread disease.” At the time there were no oncology centers, no walk-a-thons to raise...  Read More
Staff Meetings
Office meetings should be held either weekly or monthly depending on the size of the practice. Over lunch is generally a good time. Whether you hold your office meeting during lunch or not staff still must paid - even if you have the meeting outside of the practice during normal lunch hours. Check...  Read More
Pediatric Dental Office Design Walkthrough happens in this video - watch it now!
In this video, this is what you’ll experience first-hand: - Learn about the effective open bay concept for a boutique pedo office - A natural lighting technique to open up an interior operatory wall - Renovation of an historic building - Why a 15x10 operatory size can be good... - Where...  Read More
Why Do You Need Policy?
Can you imagine baseball without any rules? Or, driving in rush hour traffic with no laws or guidelines governing what to do when the lights turn green or red? The obvious result would be confusion and chaos. This same logic applies to every organization. If there are no guidelines and rules for...  Read More
What Every Dentist Can Learn From Band Geeks
I was taking a few moments to get connected with my Facebook friends- that’s a nice way of saying I was procrastinating from doing something I’m not looking forward to doing- and came across a post about marching bands and Rolling Stone magazine. Peeked my interest so I followed the...  Read More
New Transition White Paper Released
For those who are not already subscribers to our newsletters, you can download our current white paper on practice transitions .  Read More
How to Make Webinars Your #1 New Patient Acquisition Strategy
- - - INFOGRAPHIC IS AT THE BOTTOM! - - - If you’re fully engaged and are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to generate more quality new patients (and the average value of existing patients in your practice) then you’re already...  Read More
Tooth Story: A Dental History Timeline
“Tooth” be told, everyone should know the basics of dental hygiene; unfortunately, many do not. We have written about the origins of the toothbrush and how to care for it. We have given you the rundown of foods to eat and those not to (refer to just last week!). We have given you a...  Read More
Confirmation Protocol
  CONFIRMATION PROTOCOL  Auto-Pilot: Do not put confirmation on auto-pilot. Services such as Lighthouse are useful when used smartly but, when you put confirmation on auto-pilot, front desk can sometimes abandon responsibility for the schedule because, “Lighthouse is handling it”.  Customize: Find...  Read More
Consultant Tip: How to Increase Your Bottom Line
Do you know the best and easiest way to increase your bottom line or profit? It's by not having open time on your schedule, which is achieved by eliminating broken appointments and controlling your schedule. For every broken appointment and time left unfilled on the schedule, your bottom line...  Read More
Guidelines for Participating in Social Networks over the Web
Guidelines for Participating in Social Networks over the Web As in all professional fields, it is disapproved to interact with patients outside of the office. Dentists should be wary if they choose to interact with patients on personal networking sites such as Facebook. The only interaction a...  Read More
Growth Hacking - Is It A Viable Addition to Your Dental Marketing Program?
If you are aware of any great growth hacking examples from your business, be sure to share them in the comments section below. By now you heard you've heard about the amazing results that growth hacking can deliver to your practice, and if you haven’t I have a question for you: What rock have...  Read More
Simple 5 Step Guide to Tracking Your Practice's KPIs.
I've spoken with hundreds of dental practice owners. Some have been successful, other's... not so much. Have you ever heard this before? The dentist gets comfortable and doesn't notice the rising temperature in his practice. He focuses on the wrong things in order to reach his own conception...  Read More
"How much do you charge for a cleaning?"
When a patient calls your practice asking for a price (“How much do you charge for a cleaning?”) you of course want your receptionist to answer their question(s) but the receptionist will need to ask the patient some questions first in order to give a proper answer. Here's an example...  Read More
Is it Time to Upgrade Your Retirement Plan?
It is part of human nature to avoid disturbing something that works well: “if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it”. While this can be a sound rule of thumb, when applied to retirement plans, it is exactly the opposite: if you haven’t had your plan reviewed by an...  Read More
Founding Father and Dental Postal Child
This Friday, July 4th marks the 238th anniversary of America’s independence. This weekend, Americans from sea to shining sea will celebrate our nation’s founding with cookouts, fireworks, patriotic concerts and parades. But there is one man in particular whose courage, stamina and...  Read More
Oberman Law Firm Launches Expansion of Its Multi-Practice Law Group
Oberman Law Firm, a leading dental law firm which has a national presence, has announced the expansion of its Multi-Practice Law Group. The Multi Practice Law Group will continue to expand its client MSO (Management Service Organization) and DMSO (Dental Management Service Organization) practice...  Read More
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