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How do the best practices grow in the battle of Private Practice vs Corporate Dentistry?
The 6 Strategies: Don’t be Fooled by Their Simplicity If you study and implement these 6 strategies, your practice will attract a tremendous flow of new patients. If you do this right, you’ll keep those patients for decades, protecting your practice, your success and your legacy for...  Read More
Little Known Secrets Inside Group Dental Practice vs Private Practice Debate; The Loophole
This is Part 2 of the 3 Part Series on Group Dental Practice vs Private Practice. (If you missed Part 1, read it ) The Loophole a topic that, when used properly, will yield hundreds and even thousands of new patients. A new dental office that uses these tools (be it a group dental practice or a...  Read More
More on No Shows and Cancels
Any systems comes down more to WHO is doing the job then the “system” itself. Don’t get me wrong - systems are vital - but there are tons of good systems out there. What is more important is how well trained the people are on implementing whatever system you use as an untrained...  Read More
Introducing the Growth Hacking Strategy of 'GAMIFICATION'...  The HOTTEST Dental Web Marketing Strategy for 2014 and Beyond!
Since the late 1990’s games have been growing at an amazing rate on the Internet. I'm not talking computer-based, multi-player games like Black OPS – Call of Duty™ (I’m not a gamer, but I do enjoy battling my 21 year-old son on COD!) or graphic role-playing games World of...  Read More
Little Known Secrets Inside The Corporate Dentistry vs Private Practice Debate
Insider Insight This article will give you a no B.S. look at the pros and cons of corporate dentistry vs private practice. My team and I have worked for decades with very successful clients on both sides on this topic so you’ll have an unbiased perspective in this article. What you learn here...  Read More
The Cost of HIPAA Compliance for Small Healthcare Providers
Let’s start with what happens if you are not compliant: $1.5 million could be just the start of your costs. That is what the civil monetary penalties can be up to for settlements with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for HIPAA breaches. If you are not in...  Read More
The “Right Way” To Complete Dental Office Plumbing
In the video below we’d like to show you how the plumbing may look in your new practice…before the walls get closed in! Notice the red and blue lines in these walls. They’re not copper. The copper plumbing of your parent’s house is likely a thing of ancient history (it may...  Read More
Dental office construction project is racing along - Watch Phase 3
The demolition of Phase 2 is and the back half of the building no longer exists. As you preview this Phase 3 video, notice how the dental office construction design is coming into existence: A) 5 operatories are positioned on the exterior wall in the...  Read More
Correcting Dental Employees
The key to compliance is having a Dental Office Manual with all policy put together in a format that requires written attests that each policy has been read and agreed to.  Then when policy is not followed a system to correct people is as follows:   1. When a policy, procedure or system is...  Read More
Confirmation Protocol
Auto-Pilot: Do not put confirmation on auto-pilot. Services such as Lighthouse are useful when used smartly but, when you put confirmation on auto-pilot, front desk can sometimes abandon responsibility for the schedule because, “Lighthouse is handling it”.  Customize: Find out from patients if...  Read More
Protocol for Calling Patients Who Did Not Schedule
1. Review the patient’s chart before calling so you know the last treatment they received or what that they need as well as what family members might have been seen. 2. Use the information in #1 when you call to show them that an effort was made to know about them and their family. Show them...  Read More
The Secret Strategy That Led to Facebook's Explosive Growth:  If You're Looking For Ways To Generate MORE New Patients... This Is It!
If you're frustrated with your practice management solutions or your dental marketing program... you may want to sit up and pay close attention. Never before has the opportunity to create sustainable growth in your practice been available as it is now. A new generation of megabrands like...  Read More
What Is The Best Dental Operatory Size For Your Office?
With the best dental operatory size in your new office 5 things will happen: 1) You’ll earn more income, 2) You’ll have more fulfilling clinical days, 3) Your team will work better together and 4) Patients will be happier. Can the size of an operatory really be...  Read More
Easily Afford a Start-up Dental Practice Loan; Here's How!
Have you envisioned treating patients with confidence in a new facility? Imagine how that would feel. Unfortunately, many doctors think the cost is too high. Yet the truth is this: if you can produce a few crowns per month, your new office is completely paid for. 6 Crowns Per Month Will Pay...  Read More
Collections - Past Due Dental Accounts
The sequence of steps used to follow up on past due accounts are as follows: 1. Statement 2. Patient Call 3. 2nd Statement with note or letter 4. Patient Call 5. Past Due Letter 6. Patient Call 7. Last Notice – Demand Payment Letter (If no response after last notice, send memo to the doctor for...  Read More
Consultant Tip: Be a Good Listener
One secret of good human relations to to ask questions, but to also be a good listener. People can tell when you are listening and they can also tell when you are truly interested in them and what they are saying. Encourage the other person to talk about themselves and to share their interests...  Read More
Vacation Policy
The following is the vacation policy I recommend for your . As with all HR policies check with your attorney or a local HR pro to ensure your policy is complaint for your state and federal laws as they often change: VACATIONS Annual paid vacation is a benefit provided by this practice for...  Read More
Consultant Tip: Relationships in Business
Teddy Roosevelt said, "the most important ingredient in the success formula is knowing how to get along with people," Research has consistently shown that technical training is important, but there is another side to business. Most of the success in service businesses is due to skills in human...  Read More
Consultant Tip: Educating Patients
There are many direct ways to educate patients. Seeing is believing and what we see carries much more impact and is more convincing than what we hear. We remember only about 10% of what we hear and about 85% of what we see. Use visual aids to back up what you say. Intraoral cameras, photos,...  Read More
Consultant Tip: Patient Relations
One of the things patients appreciate more than anything else is being remembered and called by their name. If you want a positive and immediate response from someone, just use his name. Our friends know us by name, but strangers don't, so if you call a patient by his name, this is really acting...  Read More
Case Presentaion Pointers
In a previous entry, I talked about percentage of staff pay and how to get that lowered by making your staff more efficient. The other way to get your percentage of staff pay into an acceptable range is to increase collections by increasing the percent of cases that are accepted. If your case...  Read More
Scoring Beyond the Bullseye with PPC Marketing
Searchers within your local market are looking for your dental services. Attracting and targeting them requires a multifaceted effort with good tools and reasonable skill. Ultimately, you need a good bow, straight arrow, trained technique, smooth release, light wind, and still target within the...  Read More
The Right (and WRONG) Time To Hire A Dental Marketing Consultant
Is there a right and wrong time to hire a Dental marketing consultant? Absolutely… but not necessarily for the reasons you might think! In this article I’m going to show you 8 criteria that can help you avoid making a disastrous business decision. In addition to the 8 criteria...  Read More
Need Your Feedback - Please Shower Me with Questions, Derisions, et. al.
To be honest, I've been a derelict blogger of late. This blog has not been kept up as much as I'd like it to be. Looking back, I've noticed several posts have received a surprising number of views but with little or no feedback. I doubt this is because my posts are profoundly overwhelming or...  Read More
The Practice "Sharing" Arrangement
Soooo... You've got a friend, classmate, or personal doctor reference that is seeking to "share" practice space but maintain two or more legally independent practices under a common roof? This may look flexible, inexpensive, and/or easy but you really need to invest the time to think through the...  Read More
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