UnAdvertising: New Patient Marketing
UnAdvertising: New Patient Marketing
Helmut Flasch, founder of the Un-Advertising marketing concepts, provides insights on how to increase new patients without relying on traditional advertising and without spending a lot of time. http://www.UnAdvertise.com
Helmut Flasch

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Do Un-Advertising, not advertising
Many doctors have used traditional advertising to help build a profitable practice for many years now.  However, statistics have shown this is not the way to build trust and a successful practice.       Advertising, unfortunately, is hardly believed.     You and your competitors all sound alike...  Read More
How to make Valentine’s Day a special occasion for your customers and why this matters
IMPORTANT: Please watch this video below before reading on.  Even though the video is about Mother’s Day. It is still fully relevant to how you could wow your customers ! :)))  In many of our materials, we have mentioned that when creating marketing campaigns, there is a vital step that must be...  Read More
The Power of compounding
What is the power of compounding? Some of you have already heard that it is the eighth world wonder. However, we won’t talk about the fact if you took a single penny and doubled it everyday, by day 31, you would have $10,737,418.23. We will talk about how not paying attention to the power...  Read More
Streams of Income Which Don’t Require Time
The Internet has changed everything the way business has been done.  In today's age, one can create and have streams of incomes, which do not require: - one’s time; - linking to one place; - only one product or service.  We have worked with business owners (many in the healthcare field) for 30...  Read More
Opportunities That You May MISS in 2021: How to Make a Profit From the Internet?
Nowadays, the Internet provides an infinite number of income-creation opportunities.  But most likely, opportunities are not what you’re after.  Most of us are after a workable system, which is safe, profitable, and consistent at the same time, which allows you to have freedom of time and...  Read More
The Internet Has Changed How Businesses Have Been Done
Over the last few years, the Internet has changed a lot of things in our lives — the way we buy food, the way we do shopping, the way we do business. And its influence on our lives is growing.  In today’s Digital Age, the Internet gives you the opportunity to be not linked to:  - only one...  Read More
When I stop running my business, do I have enough income to retire?
In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals, we at Flasch International have noticed that there is an Exit Strategy missing. “When I sell my practice, do I have enough income to retire?” It is painful to see how the majority of doctors and busy professionals simply don’t...  Read More
Why does your advertising NOT work?
Many companies and almost all business owners who do advertising alone are throwing their hard-earned money out the window.  They do advertising in the newspaper, radio, television, etc., but almost never receive the result they want to achieve. In today’s world advertising has little...  Read More
Is it possible to create a strong income stream with YouTube?
Below are some examples of actual YouTube channels which have made millions every year. One way to make money on YouTube is to participate in the YouTube Partner Program. This program allows YouTube to put advertising in front of a channel’s videos and thus the owner of the video channel...  Read More
Earn active income with your profession. Create passive income at the same time.
The most overworked and most underpaid people are very often also the most educated people — dentists and doctors. In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals (dentists, doctors, chiropractors, specialists, etc.) and other businesses across the world, we have done phenomenally...  Read More
Why do most passive income systems not work?
Let’s talk about the terminology first. What is the difference between passive income system and active income system? Passive income system meaning that an individual doesn’t have to do much to maintain his cashflow. One creates income without having to physically work. Active income system is...  Read More
The missing exit strategy: why your current active income is not enough
In the last 30 years of working with health care professionals (dentists, doctors, chiropractors, specialists etc), I have noticed that there is an Exit Strategy missing. “When I sell my practice, do I have enough income to retire without worrying about outliving my savings?” In most cases, the...  Read More
How to get seen as an expert in your field while getting free traffic online?
How to get seen as an expert in your field while getting free traffic online? One of the most cost-effective ways to generate “hits” to your website and get calls to your office is to get mentioned in the news. Even the smallest write-up about you could send thousands of visitors to your site or...  Read More
How To Be In The Media As An Expert?
How do you make yourself known in the community as being a trusted person? There is a reason why some people are on television as an expert with their “two cents opinion” when others are not. That is the knowledge on how to manufacture the news. How to give the newspaper editor, or reporter or the...  Read More
How to Get New Customer Calls (Not Just Clicks to a Website)
A doctor from Chicago has told me that he had spent $3000 to $4000 a month on pay-per-clicks with Google.There are a tremendous number of CLICKS to the website but conversion to appointments is a problem. Another business owner told me he was spending $2000 a month on Facebook ads which got him...  Read More
Differentiate Yourself By NOT Tooting Your Own Horn
What works in marketing? They say that the most important thing in real estate is location, location, location. Well maybe that's true, but when it comes to marketing, when it comes to attracting more new clients, more new patients, the key is: differentiation, differentiation, differentiation. ...  Read More
Un-Advertising Brings Marketing to Life
For those who are not familiar with Un-Advertising, it is a program of increasing new patient/customers traffic without depending on traditional ads. It is applicable to all industries even beyond the healthcare field. Our program delivers new customers/patients without you trying to "toot your...  Read More
Two Ways Work Will Get Done
There is only one of two ways any work will ever get done: 1) You do it yourself. 2) You hire other people to do the job. Depending on the circumstances there is no one way which is better. For example: You can clean your own home or you can hire someone. Depending on what money you make in...  Read More
The Best Business Insurance
Let's think about the very, very, very best business life insurance you can possibly get. In fact, I believe it is the only business life insurance you can get.  Let's right away define “business life insurance.” This type of insurance, I am going to write about, is keeping your business alive at...  Read More
Too busy to even think?
This is the situation which you and I probably run into constantly: we are “too busy” solving the problems of today to re-evaluate the effectiveness of what we do.  There are many examples in life.  A patient is "too busy" to get a regular health visit and thus does not visit a doctor or dentist's...  Read More
Get Featured in the Media - Without Advertising
I have received lots of inquiries from practice owners asking myself and my staff about how to get featured in the news.  Many people have known about my company for the strategy of "Un-Advertising" -- which means how to get other people to toot the horn for you, instead of you tooting your own...  Read More
Dental Town's Howard Farran Interview with Helmut Flasch
Just had the privilege of being interviewed by Dental Town's own Howard Farran! We delved into the topics of business, marketing, and reasons why so many people don't succeed with getting patients to come to their practice. The interview is very interesting and you can listen to the FULL interview...  Read More
The Importance of Speed in Marketing
Successful marketing has to be done just right by balancing everything together at the right pace and speed. Watch this video to find out why speed is so important in marketing, and how to use this concept for turning internet traffic into actual new patients. Find more information here: ...  Read More
Traffic Store
There is a store where you can buy traffic; a traffic of new patients. Referral Business does not work like they used to thirty years ago. Organic SEO is when your name or business comes up in a search without having to pay for it. However, it should not be the primary strategy in gaining new...  Read More
Too Few Dental Chairs To Increase Your Production?
How do you solve the problem that you might need additional office space? A second office might not the best solution for your business due to a variety of reasons, such as location, expenses, etc. You can extend your office hours to your patients during the evening and weekend hours. You can...  Read More
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